UNDER CONSTRUCTION: A short history of my FOGARTY (and other) ancestors in Ireland and Australia by Terry Fogarty, Sydney, Australia.

Sunday, December 17, 2000

Phils Creek

Conditional Pardon

Conditional Pardons (CP) freed convicts and were granted on the condition that convicts did not return to England or Ireland. Original copies of the pardons were sent to England and duplicates remained in Australia. Copies were also given to convicts as a proof of pardon. Conditional Pardon records give date, name, where and when tried, sentence, ship and date of arrival. Later records may also give master, native place, trade or calling, offence, sentence, year of birth and a physical description. Copies of butts of Conditional Pardons (1824-1827) and Conditional Pardons registered by the Colonial Secretary (1826-1870) are available. An alphabetical register of pardons (1828-1862) is on microfilm as well as a register of Colonial Pardons from 1788 to 1867.

The information on the reverse side of Michael Fogarty's pardon is as follows"

Description Standing Number ………….. 29/89
Name..……………………….Michael Fogarty
Ship…………………………..Governor Ready
Native Place…………………..Tipperary
Trade or Calling………………Farm Labourer
Year of Birth…………………..1799
Height………………………….5 feet 7 inches
Complexion……………………Ruddy pockpitted
Eyes…………………………….Dark Hazel
General Remarks……………….Scar on right eyebrow, Scar front part right leg.

I Certify, that her Majesty's Gracious approbation and allowance of the above CONDITIONAL PARDON, granted to Michael Fogarty has been signified to me, by the Right Honourable the Secretary for State for the Colonies, in his Dispatch No 20, dated 11 February 1844.

Given under my Hand, at Government House, Sydney, this Twenty fifth Day of June, One thousand, eight hundred and forty five

(Signed Geo. Gipps

Entered upon Record at Pages 25 and 26 Register No. 15 this Twenty third Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty four.
(Source - a) Register of Pardons Number 15 Page 25 & 26b) Archive Authority of New South Wales, Sydney Reel 781 Conditional Pardon of Michael Fogarty