UNDER CONSTRUCTION: A short history of my FOGARTY (and other) ancestors in Ireland and Australia by Terry Fogarty, Sydney, Australia.

Tuesday, December 19, 2000

Land at Yass

14 MAR 1845 Letter to The Hon. C.D Riddle Esq., M.C. Coll. Treasurer, Sydney:Burrawa Co. King

Hon Sir,

I am desirous to rent one section of Crown Land agreeable to Government Regulations, the same to put up to auction in the Township of Yass, on as early a day as possible. The following is the description viz "Bounded on the north side bySection line three miles south of the Cooramingla Creek and on the east and south side by section lines and on the west by the Burrawa rivers."

I have the Hon to be your most Obedient Servant,

Michael Fogarty."

(Source: Archives Authority of New South Wales, SydneyLetters to the Col. Sec re Land. Location : Shelf 2/7859 A - F)

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